I don't know what happened, but it appears that Blogger has lost all the photos from my older posts. So I'll be steadily going back and replacing those in case anyone wants to see my old carefree recipes.
A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing
MFP and came across a really cool recipe for
Creamy Avocado Pasta (it was in the recipes forum with a link to someone's Pinterest site, but I found the original). It was way too intriguing not to try, so I promptly picked up some avocados and mini heirloom tomatoes. I'm not a huge tomato fan, but let me tell you how much I now love roasted mini heirloom tomatoes! They are tart, sweet, juicy, and their texture is very pleasing.
Well, I had planned to make avocado pasta again when my father was here last weekend, but that... didn't happen... and I ended up with mini heirloom tomatoes I needed to use (aka roast). The shrimp I had defrosting to go on top had gone bad, so I decided to try something different. Pasta still seemed like a good choice, and then my brain said to me "bacon goes really well with tomatoes." Sometimes my brain is really smart. Then, I remembered the fresh chèvre I had in the fridge. YUM. But I didn't feel like the dish was complete until after reading yet another "what's for dinner" thread on MFP in which someone posted about caramelized onions. Perfect! The final step was getting a bit more protein into the dish... and I remembered how this one time, I poached some eggs in white wine. OMG exciting! I must warn you, though, that this is not exactly low-calorie, but things can be adjusted.
Spaghetti with Good Stuff™
1 lb mini heirloom tomatoes (or any small tomato)
Olive or coconut oil spray
1/2 medium yellow onion
1 T butter
4 strips of delicious bacon (I use black forest bacon from Trader Joe's)
1/3 package (about 5.3 oz dry) spaghetti
White wine for poaching
1 T white vinegar
2 eggs
1 T olive oil
4 T fresh chèvre, crumbled
Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 300°F. Quarter the tomatoes and lay them out on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Spray the quarters lightly with oil spray and then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place the tomatoes in the oven for one hour.
Meanwhile, thinly slice the onion. Melt the butter on low heat and then add the onions and a little salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions turn brown and sweet. They will take around 30 minutes, so time them accordingly.
When the onions have cooked for 10 minutes, start the bacon on low heat and leave it, turning occasionally, until its fully cooked. You can either crumble it after it's cooked or cut it up and then cook it. Either way is fine. Alternatively, you could bake the bacon ahead of time, which is what I do. I bake a whole package of bacon on a rack on a cookie sheet at 400°F for 20-ish minutes and then keep it in the fridge until I'm ready to use it.
When there are 20 minutes left on the tomatoes, start boiling a heavily salted pot of water (it should taste like sea water - that's the Italian secret!). Once the water is boiling, drop in the spaghetti and let it boil for about 10 minutes, according to package instructions, until it is "al dente."
The thing you want to do last is poach the eggs. If you've never poached eggs, I recommend doing a google search just to see some techniques. I use a very small saucepan for this so that I don't have to use a lot of wine. Fill the saucepan with enough wine that it will cover the eggs when you put them in; it will need to be about 2 inches. If you run out of wine, you can supplement with water. Add 1 T of white vinegar and bring the liquid to a low boil over medium heat. Crack one egg at a time into a small dish (like a little ramekin), and then drop it into the hot liquid. Repeat with the other egg and let them poach until they reach a consistency you like. You can poke them with a spoon to check the jiggle.
While the eggs finish poaching, everything else should have finished, so drain the pasta and toss it in the olive oil. Portion it onto two plates and then top with the onions, crumbled bacon, tomatoes, and chèvre. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and place on top of each dish. Enjoy with a nice salad.
Serves 2.