Thursday, May 2, 2013

Scallion and Chèvre Frittata

When I went to Italy a long time ago, I stayed in this amazing villa surrounded by countryside. They grew their own lemons, olives, grapes, and scallions. They probably grew other stuff, too, but those were the things I noticed. One afternoon for lunch, the lady of the villa made an amazing frittata with just a ton of scallions, and a chunk of fresh bread on the side. A while back, while in the throws of replicating this frittata, inspired by my grandfather, I added slivers of cream cheese before popping it in the broiler. Then I realized, "cream cheese is good, but chèvre would be amazing." Add some fresh basil and... perfection.

Scallion and Chèvre Frittata
6 eggs
1 T half & half (or cream or milk)
1 T butter
6 scallions, chopped
2-3 oz fresh chèvre
6-8 large basil leaves
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to broil. Beat the eggs and half & half with some salt and pepper until the consistency is uniform. Heat the butter over medium heat in a large oven-proof skillet and then add the scallions. Cook the scallions until they are slightly soft, just a couple of minutes.

Pour in the egg mixture and stir, bringing the cooked egg from the bottom in toward the middle and allowing the raw egg to settle and cook around the edges, like an omelet.

Once the bottom has set and the top is still slightly liquid, crumble the chèvre over the top and place the pan under the broiler until the frittata is golden brown and fluffy.

Meanwhile, chiffonade the basil and then sprinkle it over the frittata once it's done.

We split one frittata with a chunk of bread and salad for a meal, but you could cut it into several pieces for an appetizer or snack. You can also put leftover cold frittata into a sliced piece of baguette... so delicious.

Serves 2.

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